Dab Rigs
6" Rig W/ Detachable Showerhead Perc Icon Ori Dab Rig SaleIcon Ori Dab RigDiamond Glass$44.99$44.99$67.50Unit price / perMicro Nectar Collector Kit SaleMicro Nectar Collector KitTokenologies$29.99$29.99$88.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(0) 0 total reviews
6" Bubbler W/ Detachable Showerhead Perc Orbital Showerhead Dab Rig SaleOrbital Showerhead Dab RigDiamond Glass$69.99$69.99$130.00Unit price / perJuno Inline Recycler Dab Rig SaleJuno Inline Recycler Dab RigDiamond Glass$129.99$129.99$162.00Unit price / per14mm Sandblasted Design Quartz Banger Nail Turbine Bubbler Bong w/ Hammerhead Perc SaleTurbine Bubbler Bong w/ Hammerhead PercCLV Glass$119.99$119.99$180.00Unit price / perDab Reclaim Catchers SaleDab Reclaim CatchersDiamond Glass$24.99$24.99$50.00Unit price / perStem Perc Dab Rig SaleStem Perc Dab RigDiamond Glass$69.99$69.99$125.00Unit price / perPendant Rig Sold outPendant RigDiamond Glass$39.99$39.99$67.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 total reviews
Freezable Nectar Collector Kit SaleFreezable Nectar Collector Kittokenologies$44.99$44.99$88.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
Dual-Toned Inline Perc Bubbler Bong SaleDual-Toned Inline Perc Bubbler BongDiamond Glass$129.99$129.99$175.00Unit price / per4.8 / 5.0
(6) 6 total reviews
Mini Matrix Bubbler Bong SaleMini Matrix Bubbler BongDiamond Glass$64.99$64.99$95.00Unit price / per4.8 / 5.0
(9) 9 total reviews
Sphere Perc Dab Rig SaleSphere Perc Dab RigDiamond Glass$129.99$129.99$193.00Unit price / perIncycler Showerhead Dab Rig SaleIncycler Showerhead Dab RigDiamond Glass$129.99$129.99$180.00Unit price / perSwiss Perc x Showerhead Dab Rig SaleSwiss Perc x Showerhead Dab RigDiamond Glass$139.99$139.99$170.00Unit price / perMatrix Perc Dab Rig 6" Gridded Incycler Dab Rig Sale6" Gridded Incycler Dab RigDiamond Glass$149.99$149.99$200.00Unit price / perShowerhead Klein Incycler Dab Rig SaleShowerhead Klein Incycler Dab RigDiamond Glass$179.99$179.99$240.00Unit price / perBell Recycler Dab Rig w/ Matrix Perc Sold outBell Recycler Dab Rig w/ Matrix PercDiamond Glass$199.99$199.99$266.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
5-Arm Tree Perc Dab Rig Sale5-Arm Tree Perc Dab RigDiamond Glass$119.99$119.99$160.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Microscope 6" Recycler Dab Rig SaleMicroscope 6" Recycler Dab RigDiamond Glass$69.99$69.99$133.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(6) 6 total reviews
10-Arm Tree Perc Dab Rig Fountain Recycler Rig w/ Reverse Matrix Perc SaleFountain Recycler Rig w/ Reverse Matrix PercDiamond Glass$249.99$249.99$320.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
12" Double Matrix Bong Sale12" Double Matrix BongDiamond Glass$189.99$189.99$253.00Unit price / per9” Jet Perc Dab Rig Sale9” Jet Perc Dab RigDiamond Glass$144.99$144.99$193.00Unit price / perZOB Glass 10" Wubbler Bubbler Bong w/ Showerhead Perc Sold outZOB Glass 10" Wubbler Bubbler Bong w/ Showerhead PercZOB$289.99$289.99$386.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 total reviews
Ursa Mini Dab Rig SaleUrsa Mini Dab RigMJ Arsenal$69.99$69.99$94.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
Cache Mini Beaker Bong w/ Jar SaleCache Mini Beaker Bong w/ JarMJ Arsenal$69.00$69.00$119.00Unit price / perDouble Tree Perc Dab Rig SaleDouble Tree Perc Dab RigDiamond Glass$209.99$209.99$280.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
ZOB Glass 10" Wubbler Bubbler Bong w/ 8-Arm Tree Perc Sold outZOB Glass 10" Wubbler Bubbler Bong w/ 8-Arm Tree PercZOB$289.99$289.99$386.00Unit price / per5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 total reviews
Dab Rig W/ Black Accents SaleDab Rig W/ Black AccentsTokenologies$39.99$39.99$80.00Unit price / perMint Green Dab Rig SaleMint Green Dab RigTokenologies$39.99$39.99$67.00Unit price / perHoneycomb Dab Rig SaleHoneycomb Dab RigTokenologies$39.99$39.99$80.00Unit price / perQuad Lead Reclaim Bubbler SaleQuad Lead Reclaim BubblerTokenologies$119.99$119.99$160.00Unit price / perSuper Mario Dab Rig SaleSuper Mario Dab Rig13 Glass$99.99$99.99$133.00Unit price / perChong Character Dab Rig SaleChong Character Dab Rig13 Glass$99.99$99.99$133.00Unit price / perRasta Recycler Dab Rig SaleRasta Recycler Dab RigCory Williamson$299.99$299.99$399.00Unit price / perFlower Basket Dab Rig SaleFlower Basket Dab RigChase Glass$224.99$224.99$300.00Unit price / perRC Glass Clown Dab Rig SaleRC Glass Clown Dab RigRC Glass$129.00$129.00$172.00Unit price / perCory Williamson Purple Rain Recycler Dab Rig SaleCory Williamson Purple Rain Recycler Dab RigCory Williamson$279.99$279.99$399.00Unit price / per
Dab Rigs | Concentrate Rigs
Dab rigs are specialized glassware used to vaporize concentrates, such as waxes and oils. These small, handheld devices come in a wide variety of designs, but typically consist of a base unit that houses the heating element, often called a nail.
In order to use a dab rig, the concentrate is placed on top of the nail, and heat is applied using a torch or induction heater. As the concentrate vaporizes, it is inhaled through the rig's mouthpiece for an incredibly smooth and flavorful hit.
Concentrate lovers will love dab rigs! These filtration devices are specifically designed to provide the best flavor and vapor production when consuming concentrates. Shop our high-quality dab rigs today and enjoy free shipping on all orders!